Payday Loans

You probably had little choice when you took out a payday loan. You  have bills to pay. Your family needs to eat. You probably knew that the  interest rate was very high, but again you didn’t have a lot of options.  Now the amount you owe has mushroomed, maybe double or triple of what  you […]

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Loans Payday Video

How Can Individually Owned Businesses File for Bankruptcy?

CHAPTER 7 When  a sole proprietorship simply cannot continue to pay his/her debts a  Chapter 7 may be the best option. A sole proprietorship can include a  married couple owning the business together. It must be remembered that  when a sole proprietor files a Chapter 7 the person is filing the case.  So the filing

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Businesses Video

Income Tax Debts

Do your debts include IRS back taxes? If you do nothing, the interest  and penalties will continue to pile up. The IRS may even file liens  against your assets or prosecute you for tax evasion. Contrary  to what most people think, some federal income tax arrears can be  discharged in a Chapter 7 or Chapter

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Income Tax Video

Medical Debts

Most U.S. households cannot absorb an unexpected expense of $500, let  alone the double whammy of huge medical bills and loss of income. If  you are buried in debt because of ongoing health problems or a recent  medical crisis in the family, filing for bankruptcy could be the best  solution. Our experienced bankruptcy  lawyers have

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Medical Bills Video

Car Title Loans

A car title loan is supposed to be a short-term loan. But the steep  interest rates make it almost impossible to pay off. The debt soon  doubles or triples. Then the repo man comes to take your vehicle. We Can Help – Complimentary Bankruptcy Consultation If  you are in this situation, call the law firm

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Automobile Car Video

Can Someone Get A Loan Modification During A Pending Foreclosure?

It is not infrequent that I have received a telephone call: “The sheriff’s sale was last week. Can you help me save my home?” I reply, “Why did you wait?” The  typical answer is: “I was working with the mortgage company on a loan  modification. They said it looked good, so I didn’t do anything.”

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