Foreclosure, Chapter 13, Mortgage Modification an Effective Foreclosure

When a Mortgage Company files a Foreclosure, it essentially has one objective: To sell your house at a sheriff’s sale to themselves or a 3rd party bidder. The result is the same: YOU LOSE YOUR HOUSE! What to Do? Chapter 13. There is the tradition Chapter 13 to save your home, and now a second way

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Chapter 13 Foreclosure Mortgage Video

Can Someone Get A Loan Modification During A Pending Foreclosure?

It is not infrequent that I have received a telephone call: “The sheriff’s sale was last week. Can you help me save my home?” I reply, “Why did you wait?” The  typical answer is: “I was working with the mortgage company on a loan  modification. They said it looked good, so I didn’t do anything.”

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Foreclosure Loans Video

Money Judgments when A Home Is Foreclosed (Illinois)

FORECLOSURE DEFICIENCIES This is a general outline provided by ROBERT J. ADAMS & ASSOCIATES. Offices in Chicago and Waukegan, Illinois The primary practice of ROBERT J. ADAMS & ASSOICATES is Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. When you buy a home financed with a mortgage you give the mortgagee two (2) things: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN

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Foreclosure Real Estate Video
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