Chapter 7 Or Chapter 13: Which One Is Best For You?

When you have to file a Bankruptcy,the first question is which one is right for you. The following table lists some of the major differences. But remember, it is best to consult with an experienced law firm that concentrates in  Consumer Bankruptcy. Hopefully, you will think of calling Robert J.  Adams & Associates. SIMPLE DESCRIPTIONS […]

Chapter 7 Or Chapter 13: Which One Is Best For You? Read Post »

Bankruptcy Chapter 13 Chapter 7 Video

Foreclosure, Chapter 13, Mortgage Modification an Effective Foreclosure

When a Mortgage Company files a Foreclosure, it essentially has one objective: To sell your house at a sheriff’s sale to themselves or a 3rd party bidder. The result is the same: YOU LOSE YOUR HOUSE! What to Do? Chapter 13. There is the tradition Chapter 13 to save your home, and now a second way

Foreclosure, Chapter 13, Mortgage Modification an Effective Foreclosure Read Post »

Chapter 13 Foreclosure Mortgage Video

Driver License Suspensions In Illinois And Possible Solutions

The Illinois Secretary of State can and does suspend individual driver’s licenses for various reasons. For many it is impractical to deal with the problem directly. A frequent method of regaining one’s driving privileges is filing a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13. MY DRIVER’S LICENSE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED. I WANT AND NEED MY DRIVER’S

Driver License Suspensions In Illinois And Possible Solutions Read Post »

Automobile Bankruptcy Car Chapter 13 Chapter 7 Video
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