Chicago’s Fresh Start Program: An Easy Way to Manage Parking and Camera Tickets with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Many drivers in Chicago struggle with unpaid parking tickets and camera fines. These debts can add up over time, making it hard to get back on track. But there’s some good news if you’re considering Chapter 7 bankruptcy: Chicago’s Fresh Start Program. This program can help clear or reduce these fines, giving you a fresh start toward financial stability.

What is the Fresh Start Program?

The Fresh Start Program, offered by the City of Chicago, helps people who are filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy manage their unpaid parking and camera tickets. Here’s what the program offers:

  1. Waives Old Tickets: The city will erase any parking or camera tickets older than three years.
  2. Reduces Newer Fines: For tickets from the past three years, the program removes any extra fees, making it easier to pay.
  3. Restores Driver’s License: If your license was suspended because of tickets, it can be reinstated through this program.

Who Can Use the Fresh Start Program?

To qualify, you need to meet a few requirements:

  • Complete Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: First, you must go through Chapter 7 bankruptcy and receive a discharge.
  • Join the Payment Plan: Enroll in the city’s payment plan for any tickets under three years old.
  • Pay New Tickets on Time: While on the plan, you must pay any new tickets you get to stay in the program.

If you meet these requirements, the program can help you save on fines and allow you to move forward without the burden of ticket debt.

How Does the Payment Plan Work?

For fines that are less than three years old, the Fresh Start Program offers a payment plan with the following steps:

  • Initial Payment: Start with a $25 payment.
  • Pay New Tickets: While on the plan, you’ll need to pay any new tickets right away.
  • Monthly Payments: Make monthly payments, which can continue for up to three years.

Once all payments are complete, you’ll have a clean slate on all remaining tickets.

Example of Savings with the Fresh Start Program

The Fresh Start Program can offer big savings! Here’s an example:

Suppose someone has a mix of old and recent tickets totaling several thousand dollars. With Fresh Start:

  • Old Tickets: Any ticket over three years old is completely erased.
  • Recent Tickets: Fines for newer tickets return to the original amount, with no added penalties, and can be paid off over time.

In many cases, the savings from Fresh Start can even cover the cost of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy!

Why Consider Chapter 7 and the Fresh Start Program?

If unpaid parking or camera fines are putting a strain on your finances, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and joining the Fresh Start Program will help. Chapter 7 bankruptcy erases other debts, while the Fresh Start Program reduces city fines, putting you on a path to a fresh start.

Need Help? Contact Robert J. Adams & Associates. At Robert J. Adams & Associates, we help you with every step of Chapter 7 bankruptcy (from A to Z) and guide you through the Fresh Start Program. If you have questions or want to learn more, call us at (312-804-1944) for a free consultation. Let us help you start fresh and move forward with confidence.

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